Do you play Realmz, a cool adventure game by Tim Phillips? Have you ever wanted to really kick butt?
Want your characters to have 1000 hit points? 20000 spell points? Do +100 points of damage on every hit? Well, now you can!
After partially deciphering the file format that Realmz uses to store your characters, I whipped up a program that allows you to easily edit some of that information, including: experience points, ability scores, stamina, spell points, gold, gems, jewelry, damage bonus, and more!
—Also included is a small drag-and-drop program (created using DragonSmith) called "Help Character" which sets character XP's to -1. This way, the next time you get any experience at all, you will go up a level.
Of course, in order to really take advantage of this program, you should also register your copy of Realmz. (What better investment could there be than such a great time sink?) No, really! You see, unless you register, you can't save any characters that are higher than the 3rd level. And if you can't save them, you can't edit you can't use my programs to raise your characters to 50th level butt-stompers!
Freeware: This software is free. Copy it freely, and distribute it to anyone you like. The only restrictions are that you must include this file whenever you distribute the software, and that my express written permission is required for any person or persons to distribute this software commercially in any form.
Warning: I am not responsible for any damage that this program causes to your computer, hard disk, social life, etcetera. I think it works, but the user is warned that bugs may always exist in software; don't blame me if something bad happens. Also, I can't guarantee that editing your characters will not corrupt them in some way, especially with future versions of Realmz (this was written for Realmz 1.5.4). Make a back-up of your character files before you try anything!